

For a 1.5°C-compatible pathway to 2050, deployment of investment in energy transition solutions is vital. Increasingly, global collaborations in energy are being modelled around clean energy alternatives and technologies.

India's move towards energy transition is underpinned by its long-term commitment to meet net zero emission goals by 2070. In the short to medium term, the transition is likely to complement efforts accelerating energy access and efficiency in all sectors of the economy while also rebuilding energy security. The interim budget announcement for 2024-25 has rightly prioritized viability gap funding for off-shore wind, phased mandatory blending of CNG, PNG and CBG, rooftop solarization of 10 million households, adoption of e-buses, strengthening EV manufacturing and charging ecosystems, initiatives for biofuels etc.

India's installed renewable power generation capacity is expected to more than triple by 2030. The country is consistently ranked among top three markets globally on the attractiveness of renewable energy investment and deployment opportunities. Major global funds are invested in India's clean energy transition journey over the last decade. India's renewable energy sector has received FDI investment of USS 6.1 billion during the last three financial years. India's thriving renewable energy markets, ease of doing business, progressive and industry friendly policy instruments focusing on self-reliant supply chains has catapulted the clean energy transformations to new heights.



5 th CII International Energy Conference Exhibitionwould bring together industry leaders, experts, and policymakers from around the world to showcase renewable energy innovation, products and services, facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration for catalyzing global efforts in building self-reliant supply chains. The objectives include:

  • Advancing global dialogue on energy transformation factoring India’s economic growth outlook
  • Identifying pathways for hydrocarbon companies for integrating into energy transformation
  • Demonstrating innovations and applications of clean energy technology
  • Showcasing investment opportunities across renewable energy value chains
  • Reimagining vertical integration of supply chains including critical minerals and raw materials
  • Fostering international cooperation for driving innovation, trade, interoperability and economies of scale

This is an excellent opportunity for the global business community to explore and participate in India’s efforts towards advancing global dialogues on energy transformations.

Mr Surender Rai

E: surender.rai@cii.in

M: +91 9350293635

Mr B S Murty

E: b.s.murty@cii.in

M:+91 9899110191

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